Palomino Business Park
1811 Mountain Avenue Norco, CA 92860
Property Highlights
- Large-scale master planned last mile development in the Inland Empire totaling ±2M SF at completion
- Phase I: +/- 674,479 SF
- Phase II: +/- 771,790 SF
- Phase III: +/- 429,020 SF
Property Information
- 111.73 Acres Site
- ±2 Million SF upon completion
- Up to 552’ x 240’ Building Dimensions
- Up to 6,000 SF Mezz Office (Mezz Office in Buildings > 20,000 SF)
- 30’ - 36’ Clear Height
- ESFR Sprinklers
- Up to 52’ x 60’ Column Spacing (60’ Speed Bay)
- 125’ Truck Court Depth
- 1:1,000 Parking Ratio
- Secured and Unsecured Concrete Truck Courts
- SP (Gateway Specific Plan)